An opportunity to bloom

PHOTO PROMPT – © Erin Leary

Rose tottered, tiny hand against the garden fence for balance. She moved with that awkward baby wobble shared by all new walkers.

Beneath the dirt, the ancient intelligence felt her approach like the coming of spring; a warmth thawing its dormant remains, its depleted essence. Sensing its time, its opportunity to bloom, it expended the energy carefully hoarded over centuries, throwing tendrils to the surface, carrying its last seeds of power.

A gift.

An… inheritance.

Rose watched the fungi push out of the ground releasing a cloud of spores. She coughed.

Now the spores waited for their opportunity to bloom.

Word count: 100

Here we are back on Friday Fictioneers, and I just have enough time to pump out 100 words of dark fiction. At least, I feel its kinda dark.

This is a clear nod to an old favourite author of mine, Brian Lumley and his popular Necroscope series, where Vampires (the Wampyri) can ‘infect’ the living even once they are staked, beheaded and buried by releasing spores. These days I cannot see mushrooms without thinking of this series. Of course, this doesn’t stop me drizzling them in butter and putting them on the grill…

I started reading the Necroscope series when still at University, and bought book after book after book… until I got a little tired of them actually. Hint to young readers – give yourself an occasional break when you are reading a lot by a single author, particularly if its a single series – you can get author burnout. Still, I have these books, and need to sit down and give them all another read. They were an excellent ‘weird’ Lovecraft influenced horror story.

Anyway, click on this link to the rest of the stories, and let me know what you think of mine in the comments.




37 thoughts on “An opportunity to bloom”

  1. Dear KT,

    Loved your story and fear for what she will become. (Hoarded not horded, I’m pretty sure, unless you’re experimenting. Feel free to edit this comment afterwards.) I wonder how many times this has happened in the Universe. And whether I’ll be able to sleep now.



    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah! Thanks for the pick up – I’d like to blame autocorrect… But I think I just wasn’t concentrating:).

      Thanks for reading & commenting… And sweet dreams:)


  2. Poor Rose (good choice of name for this story). I felt the story to be positive – like desert seeds needing the right combination of heat and moisture to make their occasional venture into the light and pleasing us all. But your explanation tells me otherwise.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Patrick – thanks for reading 🙂
      I originally wrote this as being quite clearly a bad thing (the intelligence was ‘evil’, ‘malevolent intent’, etc), but when I went back to edit it I removed a lot of those descriptors – to let the story ‘tell itself’ as it were. Its cool when people get different things from what I’ve written.

      And thanks – I was pretty happy with the name Rose too 🙂


  3. Dear KT,

    Well I’m sufficiently horrified. You gave such an adorable description of Rose and then did that to her.? 😯 Well done. I’m glad I didn’t read this before going to bed.



    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh no, I wonder what Rose is going to become? Is this a benevolent ancient entity, or something more sinister? I see Rose growing up with “powers”, but always having to fight the entity within her for control (if this were a teaser for a novel) 🙂
    Very nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. KT,
    this is a great creepy little story. I wonder what the spores will do to the child. The word ‘inheritance’ intrigues me.
    I like Brian Lumley’s stuff pretty well, although I haven’t read any of the Necroscope books. I’ve read House of Cthulhu and a couple Titus Crow books. Good stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, I love the Titus crow stuff – I’ve got the two TC omnibuses (six books in total). brilliant.

      Necroscope is well worth a read if you get a chance 🙂


  6. Loved this. The voice pulls me in and the descriptions take me there. I visualize the child and fought the urge to cough. Dark, chilling and I wanted to read on. Good job.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can see why a story would have this kind of lasting impression of mushrooms. Whenever I see a baby turned into some kind of ghoul, it’s horrifying. I can see her wobbling toward the mushrooms. Poor little thing. A very cool idea with the spores and great story here! Nicely told.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yikes! Poor baby. Or maybe not, maybe she transforms the entitiy as it transforms her, and they, together, become something extraordinary. I enjoyed this a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Very creepy – and I like the ambiguity. Without your following comment, it could be read as being a force for good, because of your word choices (gift, intelligence, bloom). But that whole idea is undercut by the horrible notion of anything taking possession of a little child in such a way. I love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is amazing how dark the mushrooms drive the flavor of tales. When i see mushrooms I do not think in that direction, but obviously every person has a different set of thoughts, that is a great reason to read all the authors, to get the kaleidoscope of views.

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