Actually, it is all about me



My name is KT, and I’m the owner of Uncertain Tales – an infrequently updated, frequently abandoned blog I set up to post my writing. As there hasn’t been much writing lately, its here as a monument to my inability to complete anything.

Oh yes, I’ve started the writing process again – but god knows if much of it will make its way here.

If you do drop by, drop me a line.



19 thoughts on “Actually, it is all about me”

  1. Kristian? I thought you were Wild Bilbo – sort of a crazy Bilbo Baggins (um… I’m not into Hobbits; hope I spelled that correctly). And I also thought you looked a bit like Roy Orbison (it’s the glasses, mate!).

    Delightful to learn more about you, KT. I’m a regular reader (as you know) of your blog, and I have a great respect for your way with a story. Keep up the good work. You are one talented Aussie! 🙂

    Sigh… now if only I could get my act together and write something on my ABOUT page. It’s on my ‘to do’ list – along with a zillion other things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much Kate – I appreciate the kind words (and there’s worse things than being compared to the Big O!)

      Origins of WildBilbo is a bit of a silly story really – I was signing up for an online thing (twitter I think) and my choice of username was Wild Bill (for reasons) was taken (because of course it was). I thought of WildBilbo as a secondary option to this, and… here we are!

      I redid mine after noticing that it was one of the most clicked on pages/posts I’ve done – it gets a lot of traffic, and it basically said nothing! So, here we are – hopefully a few useful links, and a better insight into my page (and by extension, myself I guess!).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Me again KT- A Twitter friend and I are looking for authors to contribute short stories for a possible anthology. The stories would all involve microbial life in some way. If you think you would be interested in writing something for it, drop me a line at You can drop in to my Twitter feed to see how this idea sprouted at @elctrcrngr. Would love to hear from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just wanted to wish you an early Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement this past year. May you find renewed fulfillments in your blogs this New Year and may your blogging families ever increase. Blessings. Roger

    Liked by 1 person

    1. G’day Roger – I would say the same back to you! I always appreciate your comments and enjoy your stories. I enjoy the camaraderie of blogging, and I enjoy the feeling of developing my skills among a cadre of like-minded people, obviously including yourself.

      Best of luck in this new year and may 2016 be a productive one!

      Liked by 1 person

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